Tuesday, July 13, 2010

'no man is an island'

Something I came across on LJ:


Although I liked the first bit, I can't say I agree with it at all towards the end-I thought the writer might have been being ironic, but it seems not the case.

While sometimes I, and I guess many of us who've been through breakups, arguments, and other negative experiences with our fellow human beings wish that life would be so much easier if we were asocial, the reality of it is that the kind of society (if we could call it that) where every man is an island if you will, would not be feasible or indeed, desirable. Think about a world where nobody cares if somebody is dying in front of them, or gives a damn if we're sick, or a world where charity organisations don't exist. I don't think high IQ robots could reproduce human empathy. Also, there's the issue of how humans will reproduce-if we don't care about each other then how will babies be born or raised?

Then again, if robots replace a good chunk of various staff and service, and babies are born through artifical means, maybe? I'm reminded of Wall-E.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

hi and welcome

Welcome to Pop Sociology. I'm a quite indecisive, somewhat ambivalent 24-year old blogger, doodler and English tutor who likes to think a lot about things.

I created this blog as a place to put my thoughts and musings on different issues, to raise some questions and to generate discussion. I don't claim to be an expert by far on these things so forgive me if I'm naive on certain topics-but the aim of this blog is to share ideas, opinions and perspectives in an intelligent and thoughtful manner.

Although debate and discussion is encouraged, comments will be moderated, so flaming or trolling is highly discouraged.

I hope you enjoy this place :)